Mortex Drain Rite products are perfect for applications where water accumulation is expected. All Drain Rite products feature our unique obstruction-free design and are extruded and compounded in-house to assure the highest quality of product

Drain Rite

Drain Rite® is a lineal, heavy-wall one piece contractual joint system for concrete crack control and water drainage. Drain Rite features obstruction free water flow, because it uses outside couplers. Drain Rite is available in five colors, including the only marble colored PVC drain in the industry. All extrusion and compounding is done in-house to assure the highest quality.
- Designed to set flush against walls and porches
- Non-directional system requiring a minimum of fittings
- Locked into the concrete by inside key ways that stop the flow of water to the subsoil
- Used as a screed guide for concrete finisher
Drain Rite Replacement Top
Drain Rite Replacement Top™ is an innovative and convenient way to repair and replace existing drains. Drain Rite Replacement Top is easy to install and is available in all five colors of charcoal, gray, marble, tan and white.

Drain Rite Connectors

Drain Rite™ connection accessories are made from the same lineal, heavy-wall one piece materials as our Drain Rite. All connections feature obstruction free water flow, because they use outside couplers. Drain Rite connection accessories are available in all five colors, including the only marble colored PVC drain in the industry.
- All fittings are non-directional, requiring less combinations to be stocked to achieve your design
- Designed to set flush against walls and porches
- Locked into the concrete by inside key ways that stop the flow of water to the subsoil
Drain Rite Spouts
Drain Rite™ spouts, caps and covers are made to complete your drainage system. All spouts feature our unique “obstruction-free” water flow by connecting to the outside of the drain. Drain Rite spouts, caps and covers are available in all five Drain Rite colors.
- Drain Rite Spouts are available in End, Straight, and Down configurations. All spouts connect to standard 11/2 inch PVC pipe for carrying away water.
- Drain Rite End Caps are perfect for closing a drain end decoratively.
- Drain Rite Clean Out Covers are a great way to allow access for internal flushing and rinsing.

Control Joint

Control Joint™ is a PVC lineal contractual joint system for concrete crack control. Control Joint encourages the concrete to crack in a designated acceptable manner. Control Joint has excellent weatherability. It is virtually unaffected by chlorine and pool chemicals.
- Designed with side fins to prevent the free flow of water to the subsoil.
- Made with high impact PVC and UV inhibitors.
- Installs quickly just after screeding but before any stiffening starts.
- A Control Joint and Expansion Base combination can be used to stop and restart a concrete pour.